Tarbiya Roseville 2 85
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Summer Camp 2024

Summer of Conquerors

Join Tarbiya for its annual Summer Camp: The Summer of Conquerors, from June 24th to July 18th, 2024. For 4 full weeks, we will delve into the triumphs of Islamic conquerors each week, discovering their legacies and the lessons they offer. This immersive program combines education with fun-filled activities, ensuring an enriching experience for every participant. As well as that, each week there will be an exciting field trip! Don't miss out on the chance for your children to learn and have fun – reserve their spot today and conquer the summer with Tarbiya!


Tarbiya Groups

Do you have a passion for ping pong? Wish you had a Cricket pitch in your backyard? We have a group of fellow hobby enthusiasts for you! Tarbiya Groups offer a wide range of activities that help you stay connected to the community and have fun along the way! 


Meet our Tarbiya House Roseville team

Volunteers are at the heart of every program and event at Tarbiya. Volunteer Opportunities Reward, productive contributions to community and FUN all in one?